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The second category is that of Research Academic, which is awarded to a candidate who has:

  • A completed Master’s with eight accredited outputs; or a completed Doctorate with six accredited outputs;

  • Published three accredited outputs in the last three years or four accredited outputs in the last five years.

AVIVIT CHERRINGTON has attained the STADIO status of Research Academic. She has published six articles in accredited journals and two book chapters in the last five years.

Focus area of her research

Dr Avivit Cherrington is a registered educational psychologist with expertise in community development and systems-level programme development for collective health and well-being interventions. She is currently senior lecturer and Programme Co-ordinator of the BEdHons (Inclusive Education) at School of Education, STADIO Higher Education. Her interest is in transformative social change and community well-being with research focusing on enhancing critical thinking and sense of transformative agency in teacher education programmes to foster future teachers who are agents of hope and social change. She has also garnered both local and international interest in her scholarship on the development of an Afrocentric Framework of Hope and her use of participatory visual methods in critical transformative research.

Recent Publications

Cherrington, A.M. (2020). Visions of hope in education. Fostering student teachers’ identities of becoming agents of change through a photo competition and exhibition. In H. Mreiwed, M.R. Carter & C. Mitchell (Eds) Art as an Agent for Social Change (pp.75-84). Brill-Sense Publishers. Link

Damons, B. & Cherrington, A.M. (2020). Re-imagining schools as beacons of hope and possibility: A South African conceptualisation of a community school. Education as Change, Special Issue: Reclaiming commitment to social justice in poverty-stricken communities, 24(1):  Link

Cherrington, A.M. (2018). Research as Hope Intervention: Mobilising hope in a South African higher education context. South African Journal of Education, Special Issue: ‘Decolonising’ Education Transformation, 38(5). Link


DATE: January 2022 | DISCLAIMER: The content of this blog is accurate at the time of publication. STADIO reserves the right to change the content due to changes in legislation, as well as for market requirements and other reasons.