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Are you interested in a career that’s fast-paced, ever-changing, and brimming with potential for advancement? Then consider a career in digital marketing. Digital marketing has become a highly specialised field of study which offers a dynamic and ever-changing landscape, and a wealth of career opportunities.

If you’re interested in a career in digital marketing, keep reading and consider the STADIO Bachelor of Commerce in Digital Marketing to get started in the digital marketing world.

According to Dr Antje Hargarter, STADIO’s Head of the School of Commerce, new rules are at play in a platform economy. “Traditional marketing is replaced by digital marketing. Work gets completed in project management teams and skills like technology and innovation management carry preference over ordinary work skills.

“The commerce landscape is changing. e-Commerce and platform businesses are fast overtaking traditional companies. In an environment like this, it is crucial that you select your place of education and qualification very carefully,” she says.

Digital marketing constitutes a constantly evolving industry

The rate at which technology is evolving is quite simply remarkable, and it’s tough to keep up. From new social platforms to new mobile technologies, every day brings a new challenge and opportunity.

Given the rate at which companies are moving towards digital solutions, the future for traditional and conventional marketing channels are looking bleaker by the day.

That’s why it’s so important that, with each change, marketers simply must stay up to date. 

Digital marketing is such a wide wide-ranging field that the required skills might differ from employer to employer. The industry needs to frequently adapt to new strategies and best practices which makes the job a constant revelation.

Marketers must always be on their toes and remain open to, and informed about, the latest developments in the digital marketing space.

Digital marketing includes numerous elements, and these elements constantly change as technology develops and consumer behaviours evolve and refine.

It’s almost impossible to list every aspect of the field, but some of the key components include:  

  • Marketing automation 
  • Email marketing and bulk mailers
  • Search engine optimisation (SEO)
  • Search engine marketing (SEM)
  • Social media marketing, including Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram
  • Copywriting
  • Design
  • Apps
  • Mobile marketing, including texting
  • Content marketing
  • Web analytics
  • Digital advertising

Digital marketing covers a wide and diverse range of knowledge spheres with constant crossovers. While one employer needs someone highly knowledgeable in social media marketing, another might need an email marketing specialist, while yet another is seeking a growth hacker. Most, however, require a complete skillset.

Digital marketers need to have excellent communication skills. It’s important to get your audience to listen to what you are saying.

It’s important for a digital marketer to be familiar with the tools of the trade, but there are lots of tools, and using them in the best way possible is the key to success.

What really matters for a digital marketer is understanding the strategy that drives the tool, how to use the tools to reach the right audience, with the right message, at the right time, on the right channel, and how to measure and refine the results. You need to be street-smart in this industry. 

Digital marketing is the future

Digital marketing is not a trend. It’s how marketing will be done going forward because it’s targeted and cheaper.

For example, an email campaign can broadcast a message to a broad, but focussed user-base at a fraction of the cost of a TV or print ad. A mainstream TV or print ad might only reach 10% of your target audience while a mailer campaign targets a specific demographic cost effectively.

Results can also be monitored and tracked. Instead of an expensive customer survey or research, marketers can, in minutes, track customer response rates and measure the success of a campaign in real-time.

This also enables the next campaign to be planned effectively. The bottom line is that the digital age is here. Businesses that cannot adapt to the new marketing climate run the risk of extinction - and they are choosing to adapt by hiring digital marketers.

Demand for digital marketers

Large and small industries are increasingly moving away from conventional marketing methods towards digital techniques. As a result, companies are hiring more digital marketers and the demand for employees to fill these jobs is high.


Get started!

If you like what you’re reading and you’re ready to make your digital marketing career a reality, you can start by registering for a STADIO Bachelor of Commerce in Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is made up of a lot of parts and if you’re not an expert in all of them, don’t worry!

Do some self-examination and determine where your strengths lie. Are you more creative or is your brain more analytical?

Are you better with words or better with numbers? Are you an expert at jumping from task to task or do you enjoy sticking to one task for a longer period?

A creative student who writes well and likes to have more time with a task might choose to focus on content marketing, while a student with an analytical mind who can easily jump from task to task might want to focus on analytics.

Think through your strengths and weaknesses and choose your focus based on what you do best. 

Once you’re focused, start to learn!


DATE: July 2021 | DISCLAIMER: The content of this blog is accurate at the time of publication. STADIO reserves the right to change the content due to changes in legislation, as well as for market requirements and other reasons.