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The annual STADIO Higher Education was held on the Centurion Campus this year.

Explore the innovative papers and thought leadership here!

DAY 1: Learning reimagined for curriculum success

Learning reimagined for curriculum success

  1. Learning as an ecosystem of six Pedagogical clusters: The case of architectural education
    by Morkel, J. et al


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  2. Assessment for success: Reflecting on five inclusive online assessment practices
    by Adebayo, O. & Morkel, J.


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  3. To steal like an artist
    by Chidubem, M.


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  4. Impact of higher education (HE) on the safety, security, policing and law enforcement sectors of South Africa and selected Africa states
    by Smit, J. & Gounden, M.


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DAY 2: Quality levers in the curriculum transformation

Quality levers in the curriculum transformation

  1. Closing the gap: Quality assurance in STADIO
    by Cohen, A.


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  2. Using student outputs as framework for curriculum development
    by Shakum, K.


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  3. The campus as a lighthouse
    by Naudé, P.


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  4. Towards increasing the throughput rate of postgraduate students: a poly-dimensional risk management process for higher education institutions
    by Mynhardt, H.


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DAY 3: Revitalising curriculum for 21st century relevance

Revitalising curriculum for 21st century relevance

  1. Reimagining the curriculum in the 21st century in higher education to promote student engagement through an appreciative inquiry lens in a South African context: Lecturers’ perspectives
    by Padayachee, N.


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  2. Hyper learning: Integrating 5IR into South Africa’s higher education system
    by Sutherland, M.


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  3. The hybridisation of fashion technologies in fashion media studies
    by Elgie, C.


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  4. In pursuit of a wellness embedded curriculum
    by Mofomme, L.


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DAY 4: Curriculum reform and drivers for success

Curriculum reform and drivers for success

  1. Fashion design education: Approaches, strategies, and tools for environmental sustainability
    by De Klerk, J.


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  2. The creative arts as a catalyst for the development of 21st century skills
    by Ralfe, S. Deyzel, J. & Campbell, N.


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  3. Re-imagining “doctorateness” as curriculum and journey
    by Schutte, F.


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  4. Reimaging the curriculum in the 21st century: bridging the gap between undergraduate and post-graduate to promote student success
    by Surujpal, V. & Ward, M.


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